Abdel Elnoubi in a suit with an american flag pin on his lapel


    Abdel is a critical and independent thinker who has been prioritizing transparency and accountability as a School Board Member. He questioned norms that prohibited Board Members from communicating to their constituents through the media. His mission was clear: to represent the people who entrusted him. Abdel also advocates for data-driven decisions and improved metrics to ensure that the system works effectively for all citizens.
  • Abdel has also championed pay increases to educators in every budget adopted by the School Board.
  • Successfully sponsored a budget amendment adding a psychologist position to the high school.
  • Successfully co-sponsored a budget amendment making all elementary school psychologists full-time positions.
  • Successfully sponsored a budget amendment adding additional full-time teaching positions in the high school to ease the burden on teachers with large classes.
  • Advocated for collective bargaining for ACPS staff and served on the School Board Collective Bargaining Committee drafting the resolution adopted by the Board to eastablish the first collective bargaining process in ACPS in recent history.
  • Drafted and passed a resolution requesting the City to implement 15 mph school zones in partnership with community advocates and organizations resulting in safer streets around all Alexandria City schools.
  • Sponsored two budget amendments aimed at evaluating and improving restorative practices to end disproportionate suspensions of students of color.
  • Advocated for smaller class sizes and tackled classroom overcrowding through the enforcement of class size caps regulations, initiating a redistricting process, increasing teaching positions, and securing funding for the construction of new schools.
  • Served on the School Board committee tasked with interviewing and selecting the search firm which provided essential support to the Board during a nationwide superintendent search that led to the successful hiring of a permanent ACPS superintendent.